
The electronic fine structure of the orbital triplet levels 4T2(G) of d5 ions in tetrahedral II–VI compounds is determined from an extended molecular model involving the first- and second-order molecular spin–orbit (MSO) interaction. For the levels 4T2(G) of Mn2+ in cubic ZnS, it is shown that the first-order MSO interaction is almost identical to that predicted by the crystal-field (CF) model. For the levels 4T2(G) of Mn2+ in cubic ZnSe, the splittings of the fine structure lines due to the first-order MSO interaction is much larger than the splitting predicted by the CF-model. Concerning the second-order (MSO) interaction, it is shown that the splitting of the levels Γ8(5/2) and Γ6 at lower energy drastically depends on the spin–orbit coupling constants of the electrons p of the ligands. Finally, an analysis is made of the coupling to ε-vibrational modes from Ham's model, and the selective intensity transfer observed on the fine structure lines of the level 4T2(G) of Mn2+ in ZnS and ZnSe is analyzed in detail.

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