
Molecular methods were used to detect and identify Bartonella species in the cat fleas Ctenocephalides felis felis from Puerto Iguazú, a border area in northeastern Argentina. The fleas were collected from 12 household animals, 9 dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and 3 cats (Felis silvestris catus) during July 2016. Out of 15C. f. felis analyzed for PCR, only one flea collected from a cat was positive (6.66%) in screened for Bartonella spp. based on the gltA gene. Bartonella clarridgeiae was identified in the genetic analyses, this specimen clustered monophyletically with others B. clarridgeiae isolated from different geographical origins (1.0 PP), even, all shared the same haplotype. The results obtained provide evidence of the presence of B. clarridgeiae in cat fleas from Argentina suggesting the probable presence of related flea-borne diseases in the region and the role of cat fleas in the transmission of Bartonella among mammals including humans.

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