
Human interleukin-5 (IL-5) functions as an important pro-inflammatory factor by binding to its specific receptor, IL-5Rα, which has been implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma. Previously, a disulfide-bonded cyclic peptide AF17121 obtained from random library screening and sequence variation was found to competitively disrupt the cognate IL-5Rα/IL-5 interaction with moderate potency. In this study, the crystal complex of IL-5Rα with AF17121 was investigated at structural and energetic levels. It is revealed that the side-chain indole moiety of the AF17121 Trp5 residue is a potential site for a stem putative halogen bond (X-bond) with IL-5Rα, which is just located within the key 3 EXXR6 motif region recognized specifically by IL-5Rα. We systematically examined four halogen substitution types at five positions of the indole moiety; QM/MM calculations theoretically unraveled that only halogenations at 5 and 6 positions can form effective X-bonds with the side-chain hydroxyl oxygen of the IL-5Rα Thr21 residue and the backbone carbonyl oxygen of Ala66 residue, respectively. Binding assays observed that I-substitution at the 5 position and Br-substitution at the 6 position can result in two potent halogenated peptides, [5I]AF17121 and [6Br]AF17121, which are improved by 1.6-fold and 3.5-fold relative to the native AF17121, respectively. 5I/6Br-double substitution, resulting in [5I/6Br]AF17121, can further enhance the peptide affinity by 7.5-fold. Structural analysis revealed that the X-bond stemming from 6Br-substitution is also involved in an orthogonal interaction system with a H-bond; they share a common backbone carbonyl oxygen acceptor of IL-5Rα Ala66 residue and exhibit a significant synergistic effect between them.

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