
Two type I interferon (IFN) genes, designated as rbIFN1 and rbIFN2, have been cloned and characterized in rock bream. They are both comprised of 5 exons and 4 introns, and are closely linked on the rock bream chromosome in a unique head-to-head configuration. Both genes encode 183 amino acid (aa) precursor with a putative 17 aa signal peptide in the N-terminal. Only one amino acid divergence is present between two IFNs. Compared with the type I IFNs in higher vertebrates, two rock bream IFNs possess conserved alpha helical structure and share approximately 20% identity in aa sequence. The highest aa sequence homology (83.2%) was found with European seabass IFNs. Phylogenetic analysis grouped two rock bream IFNs into the subgroup-d of two-cysteine containing IFNs. The gene synteny analysis revealed that they are orthologous with the zebrafish IFNφ4 on chromosome-12 and paralogous to each other, which are likely derived from a gene duplication event followed by an inversion. A number of cis-regulatory elements associated with immune response including 15 IRF and 6 NF-κB binding sites are predicted in the shared 4.5 kb 5’-flanking region. Highest constitutive expression of two IFNs was detected in blood cells and skin. Their expression in blood cells and head kidney was up-regulated by lipopolysaccharide, poly I:C, Edwardsiella tarda, Streptococcus iniae and iridovirus. Furthermore, recombinant rbIFN1 protein produced by E. coli induced a rapid and transient expression of the interferon inducible Mx gene in head kidney cells. These results suggest that two duplicated type I IFN genes are involved in rock bream host response to both viral and bacterial pathogens.

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