
Peptide 23 is a newly identified protein secreted by rat pituitary cells in primary culture. Although the secretion of this protein is stimulated by GH-releasing hormone and inhibited by somatostatin, the N-terminal amino acid sequence of peptide 23 shows no homology to rat GH. Using the polymerase chain reaction technique, we cloned and sequenced the peptide 23 complementary DNA (cDNA). By means of the mixed oligonucleotide-primed amplification of cDNA technique, primers corresponding to the NH2-amino acid sequence of peptide 23 were used to amplify, clone, and sequence a 74-basepair cDNA of peptide 23. This polymerase chain reaction product was then used as a primer to amplify the complete peptide 23 cDNA by means of the rapid amplification of cDNA ends procedure. The cDNA of peptide 23 obtained by the rapid amplification of cDNA ends procedure contained 777 nucleotides and encoded a 175-amino acid protein with a 26-amino acid putative signal peptide. The calculated mol wt of the mature protein (16,613 daltons) was in good agreement with that estimated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (16 kilodaltons). Northern blot analysis revealed a major messenger RNA species of about 0.9 kilobase and a minor species of about 1.7 kilobases in cultured rat anterior pituitary cells. In rats, peptide 23 was most abundant in the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. A GenBank sequence search revealed complete sequence identity between peptide 23 cDNA and pancreatitis-associated protein cDNA, an approximately 73% homology with human hepatocellular carcinoma cDNA from human hepatocellular carcinoma, 64% homology with bovine pancreatic thread protein cDNA, and 55% homology with rat and human reg cDNAs, which have been reported to be expressed in regenerating pancreatic islets. Therefore, peptide 23 is identical to pancreatitis-associated protein and a member of the C-type lectin supergene family.

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