
Mobile elements are widely present in eukaryotic genomes. They are repeated DNA segments that are able to move from one locus to another within the genome. They are divided into two main categories, depending on their mechanism of transposition, involving RNA (class I) or DNA (class II) molecules. The mariner-like elements are class II transposons. They encode their own transposase, which is necessary and sufficient for transposition in the absence of host factors. They are flanked by a short inverted terminal repeat and a TA dinucleotide target site, which is duplicated upon insertion. The transposase consists of two domains, an N-terminal inverted terminal repeat binding domain and a C-terminal catalytic domain. We identified a transposable element with molecular characteristics of a mariner-like element in Atta sexdens rubropilosa genome. Identification started from a PCR with degenerate primers and queen genomic DNA templates, with which it was possible to amplify a fragment with mariner transposable-element homology. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that this element belongs to the mauritiana subfamily of mariner-like elements and it was named Asmar1. We found that Asmar1 is homologous to a transposon described from another ant, Messor bouvieri. The predicted transposase sequence demonstrated that Asmar1 has a truncated transposase ORF. This study is part of a molecular characterization of mobile elements in the Atta spp genome. Our finding of mariner-like elements in all castes of this ant could be useful to help understand the dynamics of mariner-like element distribution in the Hymenoptera.

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