
SummaryThe Juan Fernández FirecrownSephanoides fernandensisand Juan Fernández Tit-TyrantAnairetes fernandezianusare two endemic forest birds inhabiting Robinson Crusoe Island and are classified as ‘Critically Endangered’ and ‘Near Threatened’ respectively by IUCN. Previous research concluded that the two main factors involved in the decline of these birds were habitat degradation and the introduction of predator / competitor species. However, the potential role of parasitic diseases has not yet been explored. In order to explore hypothetical host-switching phenomena, we genetically identified the haemoparasites present in four bird species, the two endemic species mentioned above and two recent colonisers, Green-Backed FirecrownSephanoides sephaniodesand Austral ThrushTurdus falcklandii. We failed to find infections by different blood parasites (Plasmodium,Haemoproteus,Leucocytozoon,Trypanosoma,BabesiaandIsospora) in the endangered Juan Fernández Firecrown. However, the Juan Fernández Tit-Tyrant was infected with some parasites shared with the Austral Thrush. The latter species may function as a key-host species on the island as it showed both the higher hemoparaasitic diversity and prevalence. The role of Green-Backed Firecrowns is apparently of lower importance because only one individual was found parasitized. The Austral Thrush could be responsible of the introduction of some parasites also isolated from the Juan Fernández Tit-Tyrant and represent a potential threat to the endemic firecrown due to its role as a reservoir. The spread of Austral Thrushes could increase the contact between species, increasing the probability of a switching event.

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