
The majority of proteins belonging to theATP-bindingcassette (ABC) superfamily catalyzes translocation of substrates across biological membranes. Employing a reverse transcription–PCR approach with degenerate primers, we have identified a full-length cDNA from rat hepatocytes encoding a novel ABC transporter termed umat (ubiquitously expressedmammalianABC half-transporter). The deduced sequence of 836 amino acids comprises an N-terminal membrane anchor domain and a single conserved C-terminal nucleotide binding fold, specifying umat as an ABC half-transporter. While the first 250 amino acid positions are highly divergent from other ABC transporters, clusters of conserved residues are evident along the rest of the protein. The greatest sequence similarity was observed with the fission yeast heavy metal tolerance protein hmt1 (44.5% identity in a 626-amino-acid overlap). Umat mRNA, expressed in all tissues analyzed, was most abundant in testis. Substantial umat mRNA expression in cultured primary rat hepatocytes suggests that hepatocyte cultures should represent an adequate model for investigation of umat function and regulation.

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