
AbstractMolecular catalysts for electrochemical solar cells and an artificial photosynthesis were described. The fundamental principle of molecule-based solar cells was at first explained in comparison to conventional semiconductor-based solar cells, concluding that both the principles are not very different although the materials for both the solar cells are entirely different. As a typical example for the molecule-based solar cell a dye-sensitized solar cell called Graetzel’s cell was introduced by explaining important points of its function mechanism in relevance to functional molecules used in the cell. As a candidate for future energy conversion device, an artificial photosynthesis was proposed, and a scientific approach towards this goal was indicated to use water oxidation molecular catalyst for utilizing water as a final electron source.KeywordsSolar CellWater OxidationCharge RecombinationRedox ElectrolyteArtificial PhotosynthesisThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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