
Glioblastom Multiforme (GBM) is the most invasive and malignant member of the IV grade of the subclass Astrocytoma according to the last assessment of the 2016 WHO report. Due to the resistance to treatment and weak response, as well as the topographical structure of the blood brain barrier, the treatment is also difficult due to the severe clinical manifestation, and new treatment methods and new therapeutic agents are needed. Temozolomide (TMZ) is widely used in the treatment of glioblastoma and is considered as the primary treatment modality. TMZ, a member of the class of cognitive agents, is currently considered the most effective drug because it can easily pass through the blood brain barrier. Glucose metabolism is a complex energy producing machine that, a glucose molecule produces 38 molecules of ATP after full glycolytic catabolism. According to Otto Warburg's numerous studies cancer cells perform the first glycolytic step without entering the mitochondrial step. These cells produce lactic acid and make the micro-media more acidic even in aerobic conditions. This phenomenon is attributed to the Warburg hypothesis and either as aerobic glycolysis. Although glycolysis enzymes are the primary actors of this phenotypic expression, some genetic and epigenetic factors are no exception. We experimentally used KC7F2 active ingredient to target cancer metabolism. In our study, we evaluated cancer metabolism in combination with the effect of TMZ chemotherapeutic agent, examining the effect of two different agents separately and in combination to observe the effects of cancer cell proliferation, survival, apoptosis and expression of metabolism genes on expression. We observed that the combined effect of reduced the effective dose of the TMZ alkylating agent and that the effect was increased and the effect of the combined teraphy is assessed from a metabolic point of view and that it suppresses aerobic glycolysis.

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