
The microwave spectra of the isotopic species K 13CN and KC 15N have been investigated by molecular beam electric resonance spectroscopy, using the seeded beam technique. For both isotopic species about 20 rotational transitions originating in the ground vibrational state were observed in the frequency range 9–38 GHz. The observed transitions were fitted to an asymmetric rotor model to determine the three rotational, as well as the five quartic and three sextic centrifugal distortion constants. The hyperfine spectrum of KCN has been unravelled with the help of microwave-microwave double-resonance techniques. One hundred and forty hyperfine transitions in 11 rotational transitions have been assigned. The hyperfine structures of K 13CN and KC 15N were also studied. For all three isotopic species the quadrupole coupling constants and some spin-rotation coupling constants could be deduced. The rotational constants of the 13C and 15N isotopically substituted species of potassium cyanide, combined with those of the normal isotopic species (determined more accurately in this work), allowed an accurate and unambiguous evaluation of the structure, which was confirmed to be T shaped. Both the effective structure of the ground vibrational state and the substitution structure were evaluated. The results for the effective structural parameters are r CN = 1.169(3) A ̊ , r KC = 2.716(9) A ̊ , and r KN = 2.549(9) A ̊ . The values obtained for the principal hyperfine coupling constant eQq z (N), the angle between the CN axis and z N, and the bond length r CN indicate that in gaseous potassium cyanide the CN group can be considered as an almost unperturbed CN − ion.

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