
Rhabdias picardiae previously known from the Guttural Toad, Sclerophrys gutturalis (Bufonidae) is described from a new host, Delaland's River Frog, Amietia delalandii (Pyxicephalidae). The species identification is confirmed by analysis of the COI gene sequence and morphological comparison with the original description. Morphological details of apical structures in adult parasitic R. picardiae, namely, the shape and position of lips, the number and position of external labial papillae, and the buccal capsule morphology are described using light and scanning electron microscopy. The buccal capsule width and length, the distance from anterior end to nerve ring and excretory pore, and ratios of distance to vulva to body length and body length to width were identified as less variable metrical characters in the studied sample of 30 specimens. Adult specimens demonstrated differences in the position of lips in relation to the oral opening and position of the buccal capsule in relation to the oesophagus depending on the size (age) of worms. The infective larvae of R. picardiae are described for the first time and characterised by two lateral alae consisting of two ridges, triangular pseudolabia with rounded tops, and presence of ornamentation on the rounded tail tip.

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