
The antiviral activity of eprosartan (compound selected in silico) towards highly and low-virulent strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus was compared in vitro with activity of ribavirin. Study of the cytopathogenic activity of the virus on SPEV cells by ELISA, IFAT, and PCR showed similar results: both substances (eprosartan and ribavirin) promoted elimination of tick-borne encephalitis virus. Ribavirin exhibited intracellular inhibition towards both strains: the selectivity index for highly virulent Dal'negorsk strain was 160, for low-virulent Primorye-437 strain - 113. Eprosartan inhibited intracellular replication of Dal'negorsk strain (13.7) and less so that of Primorye-437 strain (2.9). The efficiency of virtual screening of the ligand (eprosartan) was demonstrated for highly virulent, but not low virulent tick-borne encephalitis strain.

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