
Many studies show the involvement of Human Parechovirus (HPeV) especially HPeV3 with central nervous system (CNS) infection in young infants. The current study analysed the presence of HPeV in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to understand the epidemiological behaviour of parechoviruses and to examine their clinical associations in Albaha, Saudi Arabia. Real-time RT-PCR assay targeting the viral protein 1 (VP1) region was performed on RNA extracts of CSF specimens collected from young infants attending the tertiary care hospital at Albaha. None of the samples analysed showed positivity for HPeVs presence. Suboptimal biological sample, the seasonal pattern of HPeVs infections and use of CSF only as the biological specimen might be some plausible reasons for the negative finding. Present study is the first such attempt in Saudi Arabia and thus it is pertinent that more stringent future studies using biological specimen of varying origins must be conducted to analyse the presence of HPeVs associated with asymptomatic infections or mild disease to severe disease symptoms in neonates and infants especially under the age of 3 months, before ruling out Human Parechovirus (HPeV) presence.

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