
The Csb acatalasemia mouse mutant differentially expresses reduced levels of catalase activity in a tissue specific manner. In order to pinpoint the molecular lesion that imparts the acatalasemia phenotype in Csb mice we have utilized the polymerase chain reaction technique to isolate catalase cDNA clones from control and Csb mouse strains. Sequence analyses of these cDNA clones have revealed a single nucleotide difference within the coding region of catalase between control and Csb mice. This nucleotide transversion (G----T) is located in the third position of amino acid 11 in the catalase monomer. In control mouse strains glutamine (CAG) is encoded at amino acid 11, while in Csb mice this codon (CAT) encodes histidine. This amino acid is located within a region that forms the first major alpha-helix in the amino-terminal arm of the catalase subunit and, as such, may render the catalase molecule unstable under certain physiological conditions.

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