
The lemurs of Madagascar represent a radiation of primates exhibiting considerable ecological and morphological diversity. Dentally, all lemurs possess the characteristic strepsirhine anterior tooth comb, but exhibit variation in their postcanine teeth that may be related to dietary differences. In this study, I examine two factors that could complicate a strictly functional interpretation of tooth form variation in two families of Malagasy primates, the Lemuridae and Indriidae. (1) Allometry may be responsible for observed variation. Body size, not specific tooth features, may be the object of selection; tooth features may vary among taxa as a consequence of differences in body size. (2) Taxonomic affiliation may “explain” variation without recourse to functional explanations. Tooth morphology among closely-related taxa may be constrained developmentally or as a result of stabilizing selection. Morphological variation between families, therefore, may not be the result of current functional differences related to physical dietary properties, but may result from past events that are lineage-specific.Morphological features from the upper and lower second molars of seven lemurid and four indriid taxa are compared. The results of this study indicate that the majority of second molar features scale isometrically. Initial separation by families is warranted by the homogeneous slopes but different elevations in analyses of covariance between families. Intrafamilial variation is considerable for lemurids, but more discrete among indriids. Functional explanations for tooth form variability should take into consideration the degree of variation within taxa. For this particular dataset, the two families should be analyzed separately, and, because of the considerable overlap of subspecies with full species among lemurids, the lowest taxonomic unit recognized should be used.

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