
Fibre and protein enriched chicken wheat crisps were evaluated for their adsorption behaviour at a temperature range of 5 °C - 40 °C and a water activity range of 0.1-0.9. Sigmoid type II isotherm was obtained for the product and the sorption data was fitted to 3 models namely BET, GAB, and Peleg model. Each model was statistically evaluated by means of root mean square (%) and coefficient of determination (R2). Peleg and GAB gave the best fits for the moisture sorption data evaluated on the basis of regression analyses and goodness of fit. Surface area of adsorption was evaluated using parameter values obtained from the BET model and the surface area decreased with increase in temperature. Equilibrium moisture content at a particular water activity and isosteric heat of sorption were seen to decrease with increasing temperature. We conclude that the chicken wheat crisps can be stored at 25 °C for a better shelf life.

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