
The cult of Moirai/ Moerae, their iconography, and the popular faith concerning the goddesses of destiny in the Greek colonies on the western shore of the Pontus Euxinus make the subject of the present study. Our research is based on the study of epigraphic, literary, and archeaological (votive bas‑reliefs) documents. The cult of the Moirai is certainly certificated in Naulochos (the modern Obzor, in Bulgaria) and at Istros where two dedications to the goddesses of destiny were found out. A votive aedicula in the temple of Aphrodite at Istros proves the relations between the Moirai and the cult of Aphrodite. The association of the Moirai with Aphrodite is confirmed by the two reliefs discovered at Panticapaion and Tyras, which present a similar composition with the one on the votive relief at Istros. The funeral epitaphs found out along the western shore of the Pontus Euxinus underline the Greeks’popular creeds related to the goddesses of destiny.

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