
AbstractNew processing of part of the Europrobe's Seismic Reflection Profiling in the Urals (ESRU) reflection seismic data in the Middle Urals shows a southwest‐dipping Moho imbrication and crustal underthrusting that was not previously imaged. The area of thickening associated with it roughly coincides with a deepening of the Moho imaged by the GRANIT refraction data. This feature does not fit with the currently known Palaeozoic crustal architecture of the Uralides or with its geodynamic history. Geological data suggest that it is not related to a relict southwest‐dipping subduction zone. Based on its lower crustal and Moho reflection seismic character it is presently interpreted to be a post‐Uralide feature, possibly related to Mesozoic intraplate shortening in the area. Its coincidence with a locus of mild earthquake activity further suggests that it might be active today.

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