
Additional file 4. Alignment of the hax1 locus of the investigated T. reesei strains. The hax1 locus (letters without background) and the adjacent regions encoding the neighbouring genes (letters on grey background) of different T. reesei strains were PCR-amplified from chromosomal DNA using the primers locus for and locus rev and sequenced using the primers hax1 rev_inter-Intron, hax1 rev_3-39_XbaI, up-hax1 for_2 and hax1 for_down-Intron. Assembled sequences determined for Rut-C30 (purple letters) and QM9414 (green letters) were aligned to the genome of T. reesei QM6a (black, bold, underlined letters) accessible in the Joint Genome Institute database. The whole investigated sequence revealed 100% identity.

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