
We describe the radio evolution of SN 2001ig in NGC 7424, from 700 days of multi-frequency monitoring with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Very Large Array (VLA). We find that deviations of the radio light curves at each frequency from the standard "minishell" model are consistent with density modulations in the circumstellar medium (CSM), which seem to recur with a period near 150 days. One possibility is that these are due to enhanced mass-loss from thermal pulses in an AGB star progenitor. A more likely scenario however is that the progenitor was a Wolf-Rayet star, whose stellar wind collided with that from a massive hot companion on an eccentric 100 day orbit, leading to a regular build-up of CSM material on the required time and spatial scales. Recent observations of "dusty pinwheels" in Wolf-Rayet binary systems lend credibility to this model. Since such binary systems are also thought to provide the necessary conditions for envelope-stripping which would cause the Wolf-Rayet star to appear as a Type Ib/c supernova event rather than a Type II, these radio observations of SN 2001ig may provide the key to linking Type Ib/c SNe to Type IIb events, and even to some types of Gamma-Ray Bursts.

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