
We present a detailed analysis of the modulational instability of the zone-boundary mode for one and higher-dimensional Fermi--Pasta--Ulam (FPU) lattices. The growth of the instability is followed by a process of relaxation to equipartition, which we have called the Anti-FPU problem because the energy is initially fed into the highest frequency part of the spectrum, while in the original FPU problem low frequency excitations of the lattice were considered. This relaxation process leads to the formation of chaotic breathers in both one and two space dimensions. The system then relaxes to energy equipartition, on time scales that increase as the energy density is decreased. We supplement this study by considering the nonconservative case, where the FPU lattice is homogeneously driven at high frequencies. Standing and travelling nonlinear waves and solitonic patterns are detected in this case. Finally we investigate the dynamics of the FPU chain when one end is driven at a frequency located above the zone boundary. We show that this excitation stimulates nonlinear bandgap transmission effects.

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