
ParA is an essential P1 plasmid partition protein. It represses transcription of the par genes (parA and parB) and is also required for a second, as yet undefined step in partition. ParA is a ParB-stimulated ATPase that binds to a specific DNA site in the par promoter region. ATP binding and hydrolysis by ParA affect ParA activities in vitro. ATP and ADP binding stimulate ParA DNA binding and dimerization; however, ATP hydrolysis has a negative effect on DNA binding. Our current experiments reveal that ATP binding and hydrolysis affect ParA conformation and ParA sensitivity to ParB. Nucleotide binding assays show that ParA binds ATP better than ADP (Kd values of 33 and 50 microM, respectively). Interaction with these nucleotides as well as ATP hydrolysis by ParA alter ParA conformation as established by CD and ParA sensitivity to heat denaturation. Finally, we show that ParB stimulates ParA DNA binding. This stimulation requires ATP hydrolysis in vitro, suggesting that one role for ATP hydrolysis in vivo is to make ParA repressor sensitive to ParB. Our observations lead to the suggestion that ATP binding and hydrolysis have separable roles in ParA repressor function and perhaps in ParA partition functions as well.

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