
We often fail to recall another person's name. Proper names might be more difficult to memorize and retrieve than other pieces of knowledge, such as one's profession because they are processed differently in the brain. Neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies associate the bilateral anterior temporal lobes (ATL) in the retrieval of proper names and other person-related knowledge. Specifically, recalling a person's name is thought to be supported by the left ATL, whereas recalling specific information such as a person's occupation is suggested to be subserved by the right ATL. To clarify and further explore the causal relationship between both ATLs and proper name retrieval, we stimulated these regions with anodal, cathodal and sham transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) while the participants memorized surnames (e.g., Mr. Baker) and professions (e.g., baker) presented with a person’s face. The participants were then later asked to recall the surname and the profession. Left ATL anodal stimulation resulted in higher intrusion errors for surnames than sham, whereas right ATL anodal stimulation resulted in higher overall intrusion errors, both, surnames and professions, compared to cathodal stimulation. Cathodal stimulation of the left and right ATL had no significant effect on surname and profession recall. The results indicate that the left ATL plays a role in recalling proper names. On the other hand, the specific role of the right ATL remaines to be explored.

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