
The hypothesis that upper airway (UA) pressure and flow modulate respiratory muscle activity in a respiratory phase-specific fashion was assessed in anesthetized, tracheotomized, spontaneously breathing piglets. We generated negative pressure and inspiratory flow in phase with tracheal inspiration or positive pressure and expiratory flow in phase with tracheal expiration in the isolated UA. Stimulation of UA negative pressure receptors with body temperature air resulted in a 10--15% enhancement of phasic moving-time-averaged posterior cricoarytenoid electromyographic (EMG) activity above tonic levels obtained without pressure and flow in the UA (baseline). Stimulation of UA positive pressure receptors increased phasic moving-time-averaged thyroarytenoid EMG activity above tonic levels by 45% from baseline. The same enhancement of posterior cricoarytenoid or thyroarytenoid EMG activity was observed with the addition of flow receptor stimulation with room temperature air. Tidal volume and diaphragmatic and abdominal muscle activity were unaffected by UA flow and/or pressure, whereas respiratory timing was minimally affected. We conclude that laryngeal afferents, mainly from pressure receptors, are important in modulating the respiratory activity of laryngeal muscles.

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