
We have previously demonstrated that chemical stimulation of the pre-Bötzinger complex (pre-BötC) in the anesthetized cat produces either phasic or tonic excitation of phrenic nerve discharge. This region is characterized by a mixture of inspiratory-modulated, expiratory-modulated, and phase-spanning (including pre-inspiratory (pre-I)) neurons; however, its influence on expiratory motor output is unknown. We, therefore, examined the effects of chemical stimulation of the pre-BötC on expiratory motor output recorded from the caudal iliohypogastric (lumbar, L(2)) nerve. We found that unilateral microinjection of DL-homocysteic acid (DLH; 10 mM; 10-20 nl) into 16 sites in the pre-BötC enhanced lumbar nerve discharge, including changes in timing and patterning similar to those previously reported for phrenic motor output. Both increased peak amplitude and frequency of phasic lumbar bursts as well as tonic excitation of lumbar motor activity were observed. In some cases, evoked phasic lumbar nerve activity was synchronized in phase with phrenic nerve discharge. These findings demonstrate that chemical stimulation of the pre-BötC not only excites inspiratory motor activity but also excites expiratory motor output, suggesting a role for the pre-BötC in generation and modulation of inspiratory and expiratory rhythm and pattern.

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