
Class ldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH3) is an enzyme that efficiently converts a varietf endogenous as well as exogenous aldehydes to their corresponding carboxylic acids.r some time now the tissue distribution, protein and gene sequence of ALDH3 have b known. A low Km for medium length aliphatic as well as aromatic aldehydes is the maof ALDH3. The ALDH3 monomer is 453 amino acids long, and unlike other mammal ALDHs, the native protein is a homodimer. Recently, the ALDH3 crystal struct has been determined and, arguably, nearly understood. ALDHS is expressed differentially in mamian tissues, being constitutively expressed in cornea, stomach, lung and urry tract, and only inducible by xenobiotics in liver; it is also found in certain cancer cells.KeywordsAldehyde DehydrogenaseCorneal Epithelial CellALDH3 ActivityHypoxia Response ElementALDH3 ExpressionThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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