
Growing evidence indicates that brain carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are key modulators in cognition, particularly in recognition and aversive memories. Here we described a role for these enzymes also in social recognition memory (SRM), defined as the ability to identify and recognize a conspecific, a process that is of paramount importance in gregarious species, such as rodents and humans. Male adult Wistar rats were submitted to a social discrimination task and, immediately after the sample phase, received bilateral infusions of vehicle, the CAs activator D-phenylalanine (D-Phen, 50 nmols/side), the CAs inhibitor acetazolamide (ACTZ; 10 nmols/side) or the combination of D-Phen and ACTZ directly in the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus or in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Animals were tested 30 min (short-term memory) or 24 h later (long-term memory). We found that inhibition of CAs with infusion of ACTZ either in the CA1 or in the mPFC impaired short-term SRM and that this effect was completely abolished by the combined infusion of D-Phen and ACTZ. We also found that activation of CAs with D-Phen facilitated the consolidation of long-term SRM in the mPFC but not in CA1. Finally, we show that activation of CAs in CA1 and in the mPFC enhances the persistence of SRM for up to 7 days. In both cases, the co-infusion of ACTZ fully prevented D-Phen-induced procognitive effects. These results suggest that CAs are key modulators of SRM and unveil a differential involvement of these enzymes in the mPFC and CA1 on memory consolidation.

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