
To investigate the actions of the nonhydrolysable analogue of ATP, alpha,beta-methylene ATP (alpha,beta-MATP) and the sensory peptide, substance P, on the phasic activity generated by muscarinic stimulation in the isolated whole bladder. Isolated bladder can generate complex contractions resulting in phasic rises in intravesical pressure (the autonomous bladder): activity thought to underlie nonmicturition activity in vivo and which may be important in generating bladder sensations. Experiments were conducted on whole isolated bladders from female guinea pigs (270-300 g). Bladders were cannulated via the urethra, suspended in a heated chamber containing oxygenated solution at 33-36 degrees C and intravesical pressure recorded. All drugs were added to the solution bathing the abluminal surface of the bladder. When alpha,beta-MATP (30-3000 nmol/L) or substance P (30-300 nmol/L) was added to resting bladders there were small rises in intravesical pressure (<2 cmH2O). However, in the presence of phasic activity generated by exposing the bladder to the muscarinic agonist arecaidine (100-300 nmol/L) or the nicotinic ligand lobeline (10-30 micromol/L) similar or lower concentrations of alpha,beta-MATP or substance P produced more dramatic effects: alpha,beta-MATP and substance P (both at 100 nmol/L) activated a rise in basal pressure of > 15 cmH2O and increased the frequency of the phasic activity. On removing alpha,beta-MATP or substance P, there was a slowing of phasic activity indicative of an inhibitory mechanism. In addition to direct effects on smooth muscle the agonists alpha,beta-MATP and substance P appear to be potent regulators of the mechanisms generating phasic activity. A developing concept is that the mechanisms responsible for generating phasic activity underlie nonmicturition activity are the target for excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Regulating such activity may be a factor in generating or modifying bladder sensation. Inappropriate or exaggerated phasic activity could underpin the pathological changes which cause the overactive bladder, thus adding another hypothesis to the neurogenic and myogenic hypotheses of bladder overactivity, i.e. that of the autonomous bladder.

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