
Previous studies of the modulation instability (MI) of continuous waves (CWs) in a two-core fibre (TCF) did not consider effects caused by co-propagation of the two polarized modes in a TCF that possesses birefringence, such as cross-phase modulation (XPM), polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) and polarization-dependent coupling (PDC) between the cores. This paper reports an analysis of these effects on the MI by considering a linear-birefringence TCF and a circular-birefringence TCF, which feature different XPM coefficients. The analysis focuses on the MI of the asymmetric CW states in the TCFs, which have no counterparts in single-core fibres. We find that the asymmetric CW state exists when its total power exceeds a threshold (minimum) value, which is sensitive to the value of the XPM coefficient. We consider, in particular, a class of asymmetric CW states that admit analytical solutions. In the anomalous dispersion regime, without taking the PMD and PDC into account, the MI gain spectra of the birefringent TCF, if scaled by the threshold power, are almost identical to those of the zero-birefringence TCF. However, in the normal dispersion regime, the power-scaled MI gain spectra of the birefringent TCFs are distinctly different from their zero-birefringence counterparts, and the difference is particularly significant for the circular-birefringence TCF, which takes a larger XPM coefficient. On the other hand, the PMD and PDC only exert weak effects on the MI gain spectra. We also simulate the nonlinear evolution of the MI of the CW inputs in the TCFs and obtain good agreement with the analytical solutions.

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