
Heat shock proteins (HSPs) serve as molecular chaperones and endogenous cytoprotective factors. Two of the well-studied HSPs, HSP70, and HSP27 can be significantly induced in many areas of brain by a variety of stressors. A decrease in expression of brain HSPs has been documented in aged brain. Estrogen is well known as a neuroprotective hormone, and it has been reported that estrogen can regulate HSP70 and HSP27 expression in neuronal cells. In this study, the relationship between estrogen and heat stress-induced brain HSPs expression in young and aged ovariectomized (OVX) mice was investigated. Our results show that heat stress-induced levels of HSP70 proteins and mRNA transcripts was significantly lower in brain of aged (12 month) OVX mice, compared with young (2 month) OVX mice group. Estrogen supplementation (17β-estradiol 0.5 mg/kg for 7 days) restored heat stress-induced brain HSP70 expression and attenuated heat stress-induced brain DNA fragmentation, caspase 3 activation and mitochondrial leakage of cytochrome c and AIF in OVX mice. These results suggest that estrogen deficiency during aging down-regulates heat stress-induced brain HSP70 expression, which reveals a previously unknown link between estrogen deficiency and stress response elements.

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