
Broilers reared under tropical conditions are exposed to Heat Stress (HS) yielding adverseness in production. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of plant-derived sanguinarine-based Isoquinoline alkaloids (IQ) on integrating performance of growth with the cecal microbiome and functional metabolism profiles of amino acid metabolism for either precision nutrition or productivity promotion using nutrition strategies with intestinal microecological balance in broilers of 14-and 35-day of age under HS conditions. IQ significantly improved performance, body weight, average daily weight gain, feed intake, and mortality. IQ significantly modulated the cecum microbiome (14- and 35-dayo of age) by enriching microbiome diversity with increase in Bacteriodetes and Cyanobacteria, but decrease in Firmicutes and Proteobacteria. It was found on 14-day of age that abundances of Turicibactor sanguinis, Lactobacillus salivarious, Lactobacillus sacidophilus, and Akkermansia municiphila in the cecum of boiler fed with IQ60 were higher than in that of the control group. While abundances of Enteroccucus cecorum, Enteroccuus villorum, Escherichia fergusonii, and Helicobacter pullorum were lower in broiler fed with IQs demonstrating the potential to suppress Antimicrobial-Resistant (AMR) reservoirs in the cecum. IQs significantly increased amino acid metabolism namely, l-arginine degradation VII and l-tryptophan degradation I, l-tryptophan degradation VI on day 14, and l-alanine degradation VII, l-tryptophan biosynthesis, l-methionine biosynthesis I, l-methionine salvage cycle, and l-threonine degradation II on day 35 (Kruskal-Wallis p-value < 0.05) in which positively correlated with BW and FI but negative correlation with FCR (Pearson correlation, P < 0.05). It is the first finding that IQs potentially modulated the crosstalk between host and microbiota via the microbiome-gut-brain axis for gut homeostasis by improving Turicibacter sanguini, that promoted serotonin biosynthesis from colonic Enterochromaffin Cells (EC) in modulating Gastro-Intestinal tract (GI) motility. It can be concluded that IQ exhibited the potential to modulate cecal microbiota to improve functional amino acid pathways supporting growth performance in stress broilers. The phenotypic activity related to genotype prediction under in silico model of functional microbiome systems with multi-Omics methods relating with microbiome community is worthwhile to be further investigated leading to discovering potential phytogenic compounds for precision feed additives in stress broilers.

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