
We exclusively analyze the onset and condition of formation of modulated waves in a diffusive FitzHugh–Nagumo model for myocardial cell excitations. The cells are connected through gap junction coupling. An additive magnetic flux variable is used to describe the effect of electromagnetic induction, while electromagnetic radiation is imposed on the magnetic flux variable as a periodic forcing. We used the discrete multiple scale expansion and obtained, from the model equations, a single differential-difference amplitude nonlinear equation. We performed the linear stability analysis of this equation and found that instability features are importantly influenced by the induced electromagnetic gain. We present the unstable and stable regions of modulational instability (MI). The resulting analytic predictions are confirmed by numerical experiments of the generic equations. The results reveal that due to MI, an initial steady state that consisted of a plane wave with low amplitude evolves into a modulated localized wave patterns, soliton-like in shape, with features of synchronization. Furthermore, the formation of periodic pulse train with breathing motion presents a disappearing pattern in the presence of electromagnetic radiation. This could provide guidance and better understanding of sudden heart failure exposed to heavily electromagnetic radiation.

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