
While many methods are available to measure the concentrations of proteins in solution, the development of a method to quantitatively report both increases and decreases in different protein concentrations in real-time using changes in the concentrations of other molecules, such as DNA outputs, has remained a challenge. Here, we present a biomolecular reaction process that reports the concentration of an input protein in situ as the concentration of an output DNA oligonucleotide strand. This method uses DNA oligonucleotide aptamers that bind either to a specific protein selectively or to a complementary DNA oligonucleotide reversibly using toehold-mediated DNA strand-displacement. It is possible to choose the sequence of output strand almost independent of the sensing protein. Using this strategy, we implemented four different exchange processes to report the concentrations of clinically relevant human α-thrombin and vascular endothelial growth factor using changes in concentrations of DNA oligonucleotide outputs. These exchange processes can operate in tandem such that the same or different output signals can indicate changes in concentration of distinct or identical input proteins. The simplicity of our approach suggests a pathway to build devices that can direct diverse output responses in response to changes in concentrations of specific proteins.

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