
The shoot formation of Hedysarum branthii and ontogeny in natural populations on the territory of the Russian Far East were studied from the position of a modular organization. The structure of three categories of modules (elementary, universal and basic) is described. In different ecological-cenotic conditions were revealed two types of shoot. In the structure of the shoot were identifi ed the 15 types of elementary modules, which form 3 types of universal and 3 types of basic modules. The variability of the basic module is leads to the formation of three type of the life form. The life form, which consists of taproot system and elongated, ascending type of shoot is dominant of the H. branthii and in the Gamotion section of the genus Hedysarum. It has been established that a change in the life form occurs with a change in environmental conditions, namely, the altitude above sea level and the type and humidity of the substrate due to the inclusion of two types of additional adaptive elementary modules.

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