
The materials of the article substantiate the need to create a modular mobile training and testing complex for the purpose of training of experimental-combat units (combat units, groups of scientific and technical support, representatives of manufacturing enterprises of robotic complexes (systems) to conduct tests of experimental or serial samples of robotic complexes (systems) in combat conditions.
 The experience of creating proving grounds and their further use allowed to shift the emphasis towards their mobility. The main idea that formed the basis of the modular mobile training and testing complex is the ability to perform tasks as assigned in any part of Ukraine in a completely autonomous mode.
 The purpose of the main parts of the complex is presented. It is specified which parts the complex consists of. It was found that they can be: mobile (move on their own car chassis); movable (move on platform means of road, air, rail and water transport); combined. It is allowed to add existing stationary structures (buildings) that meet the requirements of state building regulations to the composition of the elements of the complex.
 It has been investigated that the elements of the complex must ensure:
 official activity of a permanent staff in the number of at least 30 people (military servicemen, employees) and training of an alternating staff in the number of at least 30 people (those who train), in field conditions regardless of the season and time of day;
 conducting tests in field (proving ground) conditions;
 residence and daily life of personnel;
 storage and maintenance of aerial, ground and water based robotic complexes and systems.
 It is assumed that the modular mobile training and testing complex will be used in field conditions, at any time of the year and at any time of the day, and as we emphasized earlier, it should ensure autonomous functioning. It is not intended to be used in areas of hostilities.
 If necessary, the complex can be supplemented with other elements.
 It is proposed to make such a complex from movable modules. Each module can include: a common compartment (at least 90 % of the total internal volume); technical compartment (cabinet); power supply system; life support system. The development and implementation of other necessary components in mobile modules is allowed.
 Further scientific research in this field involves the development of a specification for each element, component, module and their agreement with the certification and codification body of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

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