
A 100 W radial scaled Hall Thruster has been designed and manufactured using as reference design the D-55 thruster with anode layer (TAL). The magnetic field required is provided by permanent magnets following a modular design in order to compare three different magnetic field configurations: A) nominal, B) orthogonal magnetic field and C) high magnetic field. In Hall Thrusters the magnetic field is used to confine the electrons and create highly ionized plasma. Configuration A and configuration B were chosen to compare two different topographies of the magnetic field with two different magnetic field gradients and to study their influence in the plasma discharge and thruster performance. Both configurations where derived assuming Bohm diffusion as the dominant process in the plasma discharge. If instead of Bohm diffusion it is considered electron-wall collisions as main mechanism in the electron transport then a higher magnetic field is required and in consequence configuration C was designed. These three configurations are intended to provide a better understanding of the influence of the magnetic field in the thruster discharge.

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