
The MODIS instruments onboard the Terra and Aqua satellites have been in operation for over 22 and 20 years, respectively. The instruments’ calibration accuracy has been maintained, even with instrument degradation. Electronic crosstalk in the thermal emissive bands (TEB) is a known issue with an increasing impact on the calibration and product. The Terra MODIS photovoltaic (PV) longwave infrared (LWIR) bands crosstalk corrections have been applied in Collection 6.1 (C6.1). However, the electronic crosstalk contamination for some detectors in the mid-wave infrared (MWIR) bands and the Aqua PV LWIR bands affect the Level-1B (L1B) product’s measurement accuracy and image quality. In Collection 7 (C7), crosstalk corrections for select detectors in the Terra and Aqua MWIR and Aqua PV LWIR bands are applied. The entire mission crosstalk coefficients for the select detectors and bands are derived from scheduled lunar observations and populated in the form of look-up tables (LUTs). Similar to the Terra PV LWIR bands crosstalk downward trends, the Aqua PV LWIR bands also show these trends, especially in recent years. The crosstalk coefficients and their trends provide a guideline for the correction application. Earth measurement analyses before and after the correction provide contamination and correction assessments. It has been shown that the product quality is enhanced with the crosstalk correction applied in C7. For C7, the crosstalk coefficient uncertainty is derived from the fit residuals between the measured values and a linear fit over a three-year sliding window. The uncertainty propagation is modeled and applied in the total uncertainty calculation in the L1B product. The TEB electronic crosstalk LUTs have been processed over the entire Terra and Aqua MODIS missions. This paper presents the C7 crosstalk correction, as well as its assessment and uncertainty propagation algorithm to the TEB uncertainty.

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