
AbstractAlthough there is wide rhetoric that programming should be learnt by all as an element of computational thinking (CT), in practice, it is mostly implemented narrowly as an end in itself consisting of routine practice and traditional testing of the ability to code. This paper discusses a way in which programming could be seen through a wider integrated pedagogical approach as jointly cultivating meaning making of computational concepts in conjunction with the adoption of practices and strategies in a relevant meaningful context for learners. We elaborate on a case of learning to code through digital game modding where programming and other computational concepts coexist. Our design frame includes the principles of black and white box designs, of students as de‐buggers of engineered half‐baked games and of games embedding both concepts and values in simulations involving wider contested complex issues. We use our analysis of the meaning making of students as they debug a choice‐driven simulation game specially designed to bring this integrated kind of learning to the fore. We show elements of context‐aware integrated CT connecting otherwise fragmented areas such as databases, block‐based programming, Geographical Information Systems design. Practitioner NotesWhat is already known about this topic Computational thinking is considered an essential element of digital citizenship. In this context, it has been portrayed as an educationally strategic 21st century competency that all students should acquire. According to several studies it involves the development of both concepts and practices that are necessary for computational problem solving. Concepts such as variables, conditionals, data structures and practices such as decomposition, abstraction, generalisation. However, most of the pedagogical approaches for CT focus rather narrowly on computational concepts and engage students with closed quizzes and puzzles, leaving aside practices. Not surprisingly, students have difficulties in describing and using computational practices (eg, abstraction, decomposition, pattern recognition) even if they have sufficient knowledge on programming concepts. Computational design activities, eg, game or simulation design, require high‐order skills and knowledge which are complex and inaccessible by the young and inexperienced students. There is need for approaches that would foster students to express and develop meanings on both practices and concepts through an integrated context. What this paper adds It suggests the design of tools with affordances aiming at students' integrated engagement with concepts and practices. It provides an example of a tool integrating affordances connected to diverse computational concepts such as those pertaining to programming, data handling and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). It discusses design principles connected to the embedding of integrating affordances, such as making use of the context of designing and playing digital games. It refers to the embedding of domain concepts in realistic contexts of wider complex real life issues such as sustainability or dietary habits. It provides in‐depth analysis of student engagement with such tools and uses this data to elaborate the arguments and issues related to this design approach. Implications for practice and/or policy There is value in disconnecting CT from positivist diagnostic approaches related to respective concepts. There is need for more resources into the design and development of digital media embedding affordances for concepts and practices while maintaining relevance and interest for their users. More examples are needed and analyses of student learning processes and how they may affect their digital citizenship more widely. These approaches need to combine individualistic and collective approaches to human learning.

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