
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of modified atmosphere packaging on the shelf-life and quality characteristics of mantı (a meat-filled pasta product) stored in refrigerator conditions. In this direction, mantı, whose humidity value is reduced to 34% with the pre-drying process, were packaged with different gas mixtures (ambient air, 80% CO2 + 20% N2, 60% CO2 + 40% N2, 40% CO2 + 60% N2, 20% O2 + 40% CO2 + 40% N2) and kept in cold storage for 90 days. In this process, mantı samples were analysed regarding physico-chemical, microbiological, colour and sensory parameters. According to the findings, Escherichia coli, sulfide-reducing anaerobic bacteria and Salmonella spp. were not detected. While total aerobic mesophilic microorganism and mould yeast counts increased throughout storage, they were lowest in packages containing 80% CO2. The high count of microorganisms in the samples packaged with ambient air also showed parallelism with the lipid oxidation values, causing the products to remain below acceptable sensory levels starting from the 60th day of storage. In the modified atmosphere packaging application, the increased amount of carbon dioxide in the package ensured that the texture and flavour properties of the mantı were preserved close to the first day during their shelf life. As a result, the modified atmosphere packaging application preserved the quality characteristics of mantı for a long time, increased their stay in the aisle and allowed them to be acceptable to consumers. While the protective effect increased, especially with the increasing amount of CO2 in the gas composition, the product's sensory properties were also preserved during storage, and economic losses could be prevented.

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