
An electron microscope for magnetic imaging (magnetic domain observation) is described. The microscope includes a magnetic-field-free objective lens and a large bulk specimen stage 30 × 50 mm 2 in size. Its resolution as an ordinary transmission electron microscope is 0.7 nm and it has three Lorentz microscopy modes for magnetic imaging: Lorentz TEM (transmission electron microscopy), DPC (differential phase contrast)-STEM (scanning transmission electron microscopy) and Type-2 magnetic contrast SEM (scanning electron microscopy). Resolution of the domain image is 20 nm in the DPC-STEM mode. The minimum magnification for Type-2 SEM is ×5 on a 15×20 mm 2 specimen area. Quantitative measurement of magnetization can be made in DOC and Type-2 imaging because the magnetic contrast is proportional to the magnetic induction.

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