
ABSTRACT HIGH-QUALITY, extra-long-staple Pima cottons are roller ginneda process that maintains inherent fiber quality better than does saw ginning. Mill-type lint cleaners are used with roller gins because they maintain fiber quality better than do saw-type lint cleaners that are used with saw gins. Mill-type lint cleaners have disadvantages of low cleaning efficiency and low flow rate capability. Saw-type lint cleaners have relatively high cleaning efficiencies and flow rate capabilities. We studied the saw-type lint cleaner process to determine how its quality degradation char-acteristics could be reduced. We found that the cleaner could be modified to significantly reduce its quality degradation characteristics without significant loss of its cleaning efficiency. The modified saw-type lint cleaner, with cost and capacity advantages, could be used in place of conventional mill-type lint cleaners with no adverse effects on the fiber quality or spin-ning performance of Pima cottons.

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