
In contrast to English alphabets, some characters in Indian languages such as Kannada, Hindi, Telugu may have either horizontal or vertical or both the extensions making it difficult to enclose every such character in a standard rectangular grid as done quite often in character recognition research. In this work, an improved method is proposed for the recognition of such characters (especially Kannada characters), which can have spread in vertical and horizontal directions. The method uses a standard sized rectangle which can circumscribe standard sized characters. This rectangle can be interpreted as a two-dimensional, 3×3 structure of nine parts which we define as bricks. This structure is also interpreted as consecutively placed three row structures of three bricks each or adjacently placed three column structures of three bricks each.It is obvious that non-uniform sized characters cannot be contained within the standard rectangle of nine bricks. The work presented here proposes to take up such cases. If the character has horizontal extension, then the rectangle is extended horizontally by adding one column structure of three bricks at a time, until the character is encapsulated. Likewise, for vertically extended characters, one row structure is added at a time. For the characters which are smaller than the standard rectangle, one column structure is removed at a time till the character fits in the shrunk rectangle. Thus, the character is enclosed in a rectangular structure of m×n bricks where m⩾3 and n⩾1. The recognition is carried out intelligently by examining certain selected bricks only instead of all mn bricks. The recognition is done based on an optimal depth logical decision tree developed during the Learning phase and does not require any mathematical computation.

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