
This paper is motivated by the discovery that an appropriate quotient SN of the strongly normalising untyped λ *-terms (where * is just a formal constant) forms a partial applicative structure with the inherent application operation. The quotient structure satisfies all but one of the axioms of a partial combinatory algebra (pca). We call such partial applicative structures conditionally partial combinalory algebras (c-pca). Remarkably, an arbitrary rightabsorptive c-pca gives rise to a tripos provided the underlying intuitionistic predicate logic is given an interpretation in the style of Kreisel's modified realizabilily, as opposed to the standard Kleene-style realizability. Starting from an arbitrary right-absorptive C-PCA U, the tripos-to-topos construction due to Hyland et al. can then be carried out to build a modified realizability topos TOPm(U) of non-standard sets equipped with an equality predicate. Church's Thesis is internally valid in TOP m (K 1) (where the pca k 1 is “Kleene's first model” of natural numbers) but not Markov's Principle. There is a topos inclusion of SET-the “classical” topos of sets-into TOP m(U); the image of the inclusion is just sheaves for the ⌝⌝-topology. Separated objects of the ⌝⌝-topology are characterized. We identify the appropriate notion of PER's (partial equivalence relations) in the modified realizability setting and state its completeness properties. The topos TOP m (U) has enough completeness property to provide a category-theoretic semantics for a family of higher type theories which include Girard's System F and the Calculus of Constructions due to Coquand and Huet. As an important application, by interpreting type theories in the topos TOP m (SN.), a clean semantic explanation of the Tait-Girard style strong normalization argument is obtained. We illustrate how a strong normalization proof for an impredicative and dependent type theory may be assembled from two general “stripping arguments” in the framework of the topos TOP m (SN.). This opens up the possibility of a “generic” strong normalization argument for an interesting class of type theories.KeywordsType TheoryStrong NormalizationCompleteness PropertyQuotient StructureRealizability CategoryThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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