
This study reports on the impact of insecticidal resistance on the diel periodicity of the calling behaviour and pheromone production of different-aged virgin females of the obliquebanded leafroller (OBL), Choristoneura rosaceana. While both resistant (R) and susceptible (S) females initiated calling on the first night following emergence, the periodicity of the calling behaviour, as determined by the mean onset time of calling (MOTC) and the mean time spent calling (MTSC) over the first six nights of calling, differed between the two strains. R females started calling significantly later in the night. However, as the MOTC of R females advanced with age but did not do so in S individuals, the difference between strains was more pronounced in younger than older females. Furthermore, R females spent less time calling than S individuals. However, the MTSC increased as a function of age in both R and S females, so the difference between strains remained fairly constant for each night of calling. The major component of OBL sex pheromone, the Z11-14: Ac, determined at peak calling activity, significantly declined with female age. Overall, pheromone production was lower in R females than in S females, with the difference being more pronounced in younger than in older individuals. Thus, resistant females may have a lower mating success. The mating success of both R and S strain males did not vary with the number of previous matings acquired. With regard to males, although there was a significant decline in spermatophore size with successive matings, there was no significant difference between strains. However, R males are smaller and may be disadvantaged through female choice and/or may respond differently to pheromone source compared with S individuals. If the reproductive success of both sexes is affected, this may have a profound influence on the dynamics of insecticidal resistance in the presence or absence of selection in OBL populations.

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