
Love-stories are characterized by temporal fluctuations, experiment in the area of relationship are difficult to design but mathematical models play vital role in studying the dynamics of relationships and their behavioural features. The paper examines relationship between different couples who are living together as ideal couple or fragile couple and the divorcee. A modified nonlinear coupled dynamic model was used to predict and interpret the feature of the union of different individuals and it is adapted to local environment where the data collection is carried out. We also investigated several measures affecting marriages, different challenges in marriage were considered by the use of questionnaires, analyzed and the results were applied as parameters in the model. In other words, only few of the behaviour of the couples to each other are taken into account while the rest of the answers were kept frozen, results were used to confirm if the behaviour of certain number of individuals observed in real life can be explained through the answers provided by individuals in the survey which was included in the theory. Numerical simulations are also presented to show the effectiveness of the survey results.

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