
Background: The auricle constitutes an important part of the face which is a focus of attention and personal interaction. A malformed auricle especially in young school age may result in some kind of psychosocial disturbance. Congenital abnormalities of the auricle have been estimated to occur in 5% of the population. Objective: to demonstrate and evaluate the results of modified mustarde technique used for correction of prominent ear deformity in pediatric. Patients and Methods: The present study included the results of operations in 30 ears concerning 16patients because there were 14 bilateral and 2 unilateral patients with prominent ear deformities, at age between 4-14 years of sexes, (11 males and 5 females). The patients were admitted to Al-azhar University hospitals in Cairo. Results: Our results were discussed in view of one technique, modified mustarde technique for all cases. The aesthetic results were evaluated,during the first 6 months postoperatively, by inspection and continuous measurements of auriculo-mastoid distance. For that purpose, photographs and measurements data taken in the pre- and post-operative periods was compared. In addition, the opinions of the patients and their care givers were taken into consideration. Conclusion: The use of modified mustarde technique not only hides the suture material but also provides a primary otoplasty technique that supports the repair with plication and scoring which gives the opportunity for the new shape to remain consistent in the postoperative period, a natural-looking antihelical fold, no sharp edges was formed and Long-lasting permanent results were aimed We believe that the modified mustarde technique was simple, safe and easy applicable method for protruding ear correction with excellent results.

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