
Within the framework of the constituent quark model, it is shown that the single-hadron fragmentation function of a parton can be expressed as a convolution of a shower diquark or triquark distribution function and quark recombination probability if the interference between amplitudes of quark recombination with different momenta is neglected. The recombination probability is determined by the hadron's wave function in the constituent quark model. The shower diquark or triquark distribution functions of a fragmenting jet are defined in terms of overlapping matrices of constituent quarks and parton field operators. They are similar in form to dihadron or trihadron fragmentation functions in terms of parton operator and hadron states. Extending the formalism to the field theory at finite temperature, we automatically derive contributions to the effective single-hadron fragmentation function from the recombination of shower and thermal constituent quarks. Such contributions involve single-quark or diquark distribution functions that in turn can be related to diquark or triquark distribution functions by means of sum rules. We also derive QCD evolution equations for quark distribution functions that in turn determine the evolution of the effective jet fragmentation functions in a thermal medium.

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