
The real time applications demands high speed and reliable data access from the remote database. An effective logical data management strategy that handles simultaneous connections with better performance negotiation is inevitable. This work considers an e-health care application that proposes MongoDB based modified indexing and performance tuning methods. To cope with certain high frequency use case and its performance mandates, a flexible and efficient logical data management may be preferred. By analysing the data dependency, data decomposition concerns and the performance requirements of the specific use case of the medical application, a logical schema may be customized on an ala-carte basis. This work focused on the flexible logical data modeling schemes and its performance factors of the NoSql DB. The efficiency of unstructured data base management in storing and retrieving the e-health care data was analysed with a web based tool. To enable faster data retrieval and query processing over the distributed nodes, a Spark based storage engine was built on top of the MongoDB based data storage management. With Spark tool, the database has been made distributed as master–slave structures with suitable data replication mechanisms. In such distributed database the fail-over also implemented with the suitable replication mechanism. This work considered MongoDB based flexible schema modeling and Spark based distributed computation with multiple chunks of data. The flexible data modeling scheme with MongoDB with the on-demand Spark based computation framework was proposed. To facilitate the eventual consistency, scalability aspects of the e-health care applications, use case based indexing was proposed. With the effective data management, faster query processing the horizontal scalability has been increased. The overall efficiency and scalability of the proposed logical data management approach was analysed. Through the simulation studies, the proposed approach has been claimed to boost the performance of the bigdata based application to a considerable extent.

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