
Abstract Computer-aided diagnosis of lung segmentation is the fundamental requirement to diagnose lung diseases. In this paper, a two-dimensional (2D) Otsu algorithm by Darwinian particle swarm optimization (DPSO) and fractional-order Darwinian particle swarm optimization (FODPSO) is proposed to segment the pulmonary parenchyma from the lung image obtained through computed tomography (CT) scans. The proposed method extracts pulmonary parenchyma from multi-sliced CT. This is a preprocessing step to identify pulmonary diseases such as emphysema, tumor, and lung cancer. Image segmentation plays a significant role in automated pulmonary disease diagnosis. In traditional 2D Otsu, exhaustive search plays an important role in image segmentation. However, the main disadvantage of the 2D Otsu method is its complex computation and processing time. In this paper, the 2D Otsu method optimized by DPSO and FODPSO is developed to reduce complex computations and time. The efficient segmentation is very important in object classification and detection. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) method is widely used to speed up the computation and maintain the same efficiency. In the proposed algorithm, the limitation of PSO of getting trapped in local optimum solutions is overcome. The segmentation technique is assessed and equated with the traditional 2D Otsu method. The test results demonstrate that the proposed strategy gives better results. The algorithm is tested on the Lung Image Database Consortium image collections.

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